Sales Coaching
The sales organization is the lifeblood of the company. The future of every company and the jobs associated with it depends on its sales success.
wygroup leads you through an interactive process to help individuals and organizations develop more rapidly and produce more satisfying results; improving other's ability to set goals, take action, make better decisions and make full use of their natural strengths. wygroup challenging and supporting salespeople in achieving higher levels of performance while allowing them to bring out the best in themselves and those around them.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Contract closing shifts from month to month
Monthly forecast reduces drastically in the last week of the month
Targets for quarterly or annual revenue are not achieved
Discounts or price reductions increase upon conclusion of contracts
The salesforce has 1,000 explanations why a goal was missed, but not a single proposed solution, which can be improved in the future.
Do you know the real reasons why a business was lost?
Do you really know the performance of your sales force?
A high number of offers are issued - the response is rather modest
You are unsure whether you have the right people in the right position.
Does the sales department really talk to the right people in the target market?
What are currently our USP's?
Does the sales organization position the USP’s correctly in the market?
Do we really know the customer requirements, or do we only believe we know them?
Can we effectively position the benefits of our product or service?
The channel partner does not "perform", or the channel does not repeatedly achieve the planned goals.
Is our sales strategy still the right one considering the constantly changing market situation?
Did the sales organization really do everything to win the project?
Is the sales organization customer-oriented?
How many days a week does the sales organization really spend with the customer?
Do the sales prioritize correctly?
Are your sales effectively supported by the organization?
What about the cost-performance ratio, or per head turnover?
If you recognize yourself or your company’s situation in one of the above points, or if you have already asked yourself one or the other question, then you should definitely contact us. wygroup can help you.